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sábado, 2 de abril de 2011



01. (UFCE) Assinale a alternativa que substitui, corretamente, as palavras grifadas na frase abaixo:

I bought some water for those children.

a) them - him d) it - them
b) it - her e) it - he
c) her - him

02. (ITA) Choose the alternative that completes the sentence:

You or_________must tell him the truth.

a) me d) us
b) I e) them
c) her

03. (UERJ) Indique a expressão que corresponde à palavra sublinhada na frase:

"My sister went to the cinema alone".

a) herself d) himself
b) by herself e) by himself
c) by her

04. (ITA) Choose the alternative that completes the sentence:

This is_____book. ____belongs to me, the book is_____.

a) my - he - my d) my - it - her
b) my - it - hers e) my - it - mine
c) mine - he - mine

05. (ITA SP) Assinale a opçao que contém as respectivas melhores traduções para os verbos destacados nos trechos a seguir:

I - "But the extinct languages of which we have some historical record in this part of the world must be only a fraction
of those for which..."

II -" sensible estimate can be obtained about the rate at which..."

III - "We can of course make guesses..."

a) devem; pode; pode. d) deve; podem; pode.
b) devem; pode; podem. e) deve; podem; podemos.

c) devem; pode podemos.

06. (CESGRANRIO) The pronoun "IT" in the sentence:

"When we eat something with sugar in it, particulary refined sugar enzymes in the saliva in
the mouth begin to work immediately to change that sugar into a type of carbohydrate."

Refer to WORD:

a) saliva d) something
b) sugar e) refined sugar
c) mouth